From the Heart

Fair warning, this will more than likely be a stream of thoughts that may or may not be coherent.

Fitness is not easy. For many reasons. Sometimes it’s he goal that is he issue and the unrealistic expectations we place on reaching those goals. I find myself lookin back at who I was and what I looked like when I used to run and I lament when it takes me seemingly forever to run the same trails I used to run with ease.

Looking back is a bitch. Looking back at what I thought was a peak. Looking back and measuring myself against that old me. But Storme…it’s the old you silly rabbit. And that is where I find myself trying to find my peace. I love running for its mental benefits. Running or walking, just being outdoors is its own kind of meditation for me. Zen in the forest? Sure! But where I once was someone who would love to run for hours…the woman I am now would rather be lifting. 

Running used to push my boundaries. Lifting does that for me now. And I love both for different reasons. And I need to stop looking back at who I was and trying to reconcile it to who I am now. It’s gonna mess up what I’m trying to become. Which is just a better version of myself.

So I ran this morning and it was cool. Then I walked some and that was great, lol. But it didn’t make my heart sing in the same way it used to. And what I am trying to constantly impart upon myself is that IT’S OK. I’m not who I used to be. I am something else. Stronger. Heavier. But healthy still. 

Welcome 2015!

Happy New Year to you lovely, beautiful people out there! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that you’re as jazzed as I am for what lies ahead in 2015.

Now, it’s been a minute since my last post, and a couple of things have been happening. The biggest and most exciting thing has been my latest job – I’m now a trainer at a local gym. I started in December and so far I really enjoy it! The more I’m around like minded folks, the more I realize that I just LOVE being in the fitness world. Also – I just get a kick out of talking to people about fitness and helping them figure out the best way to get to their goals. There are just so many ways to be fit and healthy – it’s so awesome to hear what other people think about when they think of being fit.



Another thing that’s happened recently…



Cut my hair, kinda love it. Makes me feel a lil more badass and I think I look extra cool when I’m lifting heavy things. I feel very Grace Jones/Xena Warrior Princess these days, lol. So the look just fits. 😉

I’m trying to take it back to basics over the next couple of months. I really miss running…but I hate the treadmill. (snoozefest) So I bought a new toy since I lost my Timex Run Trainer 2.0 and have been running on weekends where I can.


Haven’t tested the watch out yet – just got it this weekend, but I plan to share my thoughts on it shortly.


It’s good to run again. Fun and relaxing as always. Having some kinda goal in mind usually helps keep me on my A game, but I haven’t decided if I really want to run a race this spring. I miss half marathoning, but realistically speaking I want more time running outdoors as part of my training. Meh. Maybe I’ll finally run that Philly Half Marathon this November. I’ve only been trying to do it for several years, lol. Maybe this is the year I don’t wait until the last minute to register. Maybe.

Want to know something really random? CrossFit helped me with my running last year. Seriously, it did! The metcons (metabolic conditioning) we did helped keep me on point with my aerobic ability and the strength training helped make me stronger. That kinda stopped when I switched jobs and focused on lifting exclusively, but that’s the ebb and flow of life – right? I’ll be doing some of my own programming over the next couple of weeks until the weather gets warmer and I can go back outside to run again.

Btw, this blog is 4 years old! Can you believe it?? Nope, neither can I. 😀

Find Your Fit

My mind has been all over the place lately. I’ve had so many things I want to say/write about and yet, I don’t know how to start or where to begin.

This blog is changing. If I’m honest, it’s changed and has been changing over the past year or so. It’s changing because I’m changing. I’ve changed. I’ve grown.

When I started writing, it was about running. How to do it. Why to do it. The reasons I love doing it. I was an absolutist. If it wasn’t running or yoga…meh, not interested. 

Then came CrossFit…and you saw so many posts about that. Lifting heavy things. Double unders. Squats. I was, ever so briefly, a CF fanatic. 

Any then I found my way to olympic lifting – or oly for short. I love it. But I’ve learned something along my journey.

There’s more to life, to fitness, to wellness than being crazy about any ONE exercise routine. Being healthy…now that’s the goal. That’s MY goal.

I don’t want to be a runner girl, a crossfit girl, a yoga girl, or even an Oly girl. I want to be fit. And fit by my own standards, not anyone else’s. What that looks like? Well, I’m not sure…and I’m not in a hurry to define it. There is no ideal weight or physical form that I am pursuing. I am doing things I love to do, and enjoying the physical progression of the experience. I’m finding my fit.

That’s what life is for me. Finding my fit. Be it hiking, biking, lifting, running…I’m on a quest for self. 

So this blog is going to have to be a reflection of that quest. It’s only my hope, that through finding my own fit, someone out there may be inspired to find theirs.


Countdown to BlogFest


Mmmm so the IDEA Fitbloggers Conference and World Fitness Convention is less than 30 days away!!!! I’m SUPER excited you guys…this is my first fitblogger conference AND my first convention as a fitness professional. What what?!?! Lol, four years ago I wouldn’t have thought it possible, but thanks in large part to my beautiful, amazing, encouraging readers (yea, YOU!) I feel in a good place to make some things happen.

So, because I do nothing without a purpose…I’m hoping to come away from this conference with some new ideas to help take this blog to the next level. There are a few large things that I want to roll out here over the next 6 months or so…including a redesign of the blog and…a new name. I’ve been tinkering with some ideas over the better part of this year and I think I’ve found one that kinda fits where I think this blog is headed and what I’m hoping will be relevant and interesting to you guys. Stay tuned for that!

Till then, I’ve got a question for ya…is there anything that you’d like for me to address in the blog? Feel free to shoot me anything that’s on your mind! I’m pretty open to covering just about anything, and since I do this for you…I want to make sure that I’m addressing any concerns you might have. Let me know! 🙂

Catching Up Is A Good Thing

Hello lovelies!!!!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Independence Day weekend! My weekend was filled with good times, good food, and good friends. The weather was perfect, the laughs were in abundance, and it was all around a great time. I’m preeeetty excited that July and the second half of the year is upon us. This first half of the year was a little rough…uh a LOT rough…and filled with a lot of uncertainty and just transition. I think I’m in a space to settle into a new groove. 

Guess who went for a run this weekend?!?! ME!!! It feels like it’s been so long since I’ve gone for a run outdoors, and it was just the medicine I needed. Lately I’ve felt the itch to go for a run, but truthfully, I’ve been away from running consistently for so long that I honestly was afraid of being SUPER SLOW by the time I got back out there, lol. Silly me, lol. Yesterday was a simple 2 miler – I’m literally testing the waters here – and I didn’t die, lol. All the lifting I’ve been doing over these past 6 months have definitely made me stronger and it was evident during my run that my legs can handle more of a pounding than usual. It’s just my cardio capacity that needs to catch up. 

I think I’m going to run a half marathon this fall. Last one I ran was back in May 2013, and I kinda miss it. I figure it’ll make for an interesting couple of months. I’d like to see how oly lifting and crossfitting and running all mix together. Even as I say it, I am questioning my sanity, but realistically speaking…I love olympic weightlifting. I love crossfit. I love running. Why the three can’t exist in the same world is a question I’ve been asking myself as of late. I don’t think you have to be all into one particular sport and shun other forms of activity. Though, admittedly, all three of those can be pretty damn demanding on the body, so clearly caution needs to be taken. Buuuuut, I’ve never been one to shy away from a challenge and I’m definitely not one to accept that something is out of my reach or is just not meant to be attained. Soooo…I’m gonna work it out.

In other news, I’ll be at the IDEA World Fitness BlogFest this August and I’m super excited! This will be my first time attending a conference specifically for fitbloggers and I’m hoping to come away from it with a bunch of ideas how to to make my little blog better. I’ll be sure to do some live tweeting and posting from the event, so keep an eye out for that!

Till next time!

Morning Motivation #122



I’m going to continue with my theme of ‘”BELIEVE” for this week…There are a lot of times where I’ll hear someone say they wish they could run, or lift weights, or be more active or eat better, or live a more active lifestyle – you get my point. The mind is a powerful, POWERFUL tool, and when it comes to making positive life changes, your mind can be your best ally or your worst enemy – it’s really up to you. But if you want it to be your ally, you must start by telling yourself that you CAN DO IT. Anything you wish to achieve can indeed be done, but the battle for your goals starts in the mind. Believe that a healthier life is one you deserve. Believe that is is within your reach. Believe that it is a possibility for you. Believe in yourself, and no one can stop you.


Be great.