Welcome 2015!

Happy New Year to you lovely, beautiful people out there! I hope everyone had a wonderful holiday season and that you’re as jazzed as I am for what lies ahead in 2015.

Now, it’s been a minute since my last post, and a couple of things have been happening. The biggest and most exciting thing has been my latest job – I’m now a trainer at a local gym. I started in December and so far I really enjoy it! The more I’m around like minded folks, the more I realize that I just LOVE being in the fitness world. Also – I just get a kick out of talking to people about fitness and helping them figure out the best way to get to their goals. There are just so many ways to be fit and healthy – it’s so awesome to hear what other people think about when they think of being fit.



Another thing that’s happened recently…



Cut my hair, kinda love it. Makes me feel a lil more badass and I think I look extra cool when I’m lifting heavy things. I feel very Grace Jones/Xena Warrior Princess these days, lol. So the look just fits. 😉

I’m trying to take it back to basics over the next couple of months. I really miss running…but I hate the treadmill. (snoozefest) So I bought a new toy since I lost my Timex Run Trainer 2.0 and have been running on weekends where I can.


Haven’t tested the watch out yet – just got it this weekend, but I plan to share my thoughts on it shortly.


It’s good to run again. Fun and relaxing as always. Having some kinda goal in mind usually helps keep me on my A game, but I haven’t decided if I really want to run a race this spring. I miss half marathoning, but realistically speaking I want more time running outdoors as part of my training. Meh. Maybe I’ll finally run that Philly Half Marathon this November. I’ve only been trying to do it for several years, lol. Maybe this is the year I don’t wait until the last minute to register. Maybe.

Want to know something really random? CrossFit helped me with my running last year. Seriously, it did! The metcons (metabolic conditioning) we did helped keep me on point with my aerobic ability and the strength training helped make me stronger. That kinda stopped when I switched jobs and focused on lifting exclusively, but that’s the ebb and flow of life – right? I’ll be doing some of my own programming over the next couple of weeks until the weather gets warmer and I can go back outside to run again.

Btw, this blog is 4 years old! Can you believe it?? Nope, neither can I. 😀

Tuesday Weigh In

…on Wednesday. Yea, I know, I’m late…but more importantly, I’m back and feeling MUCH better.

Seems like I caught a stomach virus or something over the weekend. Or a mild case of food poisoning. Either way, it had a FIELD day with my insides and I’m just now getting back to the point where I can look at food again and not cringe.

Yesterday was weigh in and, not to my surprise, I lost 4 lbs! Part hard work…part emptying out my system. Either way, its a loss which is a win! I’m noticing a change in the way my clothes look, which is great…and even my trainer said she’s noticing me coming down a bit. Score! Thus far since I sincerely began my weight loss efforts again, I’ve lost 15 lbs! I’ve got about 40 to go till I hit my goal, and that’s fine…the scales are tipping in my favor and me likey that!

I’ve been keeping the physical activity to a minimum this week, but now that I see I can handle solid foods again, I may try to do a little something tomorrow…

For now? Movie night with the sister! We just saw Warm Bodies (awesome, loved it, go see it) and now we are waiting for an early late night (what?) showing of Beautiful Creatures (excited!).

Till next time!

Things That Are On My Mind

This has turned out to me a very emotional week for me.

First, let me say that you all ROCK! Thanks so much for your words of encouragement as I shared with you my triumph/defeat that was my first marathon. I’m feeling so much better about that now…and I realize that I would indeed do a marathon again, just not any time soon. I’m fine with the realization. What does not challenge you, will not change you.

Secondly, I have been a monumental lazy bones slob lately…yea, in spite of the marathoning, I’ve managed to pack a few lbs back on due to snacking on all the wrong things. I was at McDonald’s so frequently in the past 3 weeks that you would think the employees would recognize my car in the drive thru. Terrible, but true. And I own up to that. For the past couple of weeks I’ve essentially been eating my stress instead of running my stress. I prefer the running, and I like the healthy look on me, so back to eating right I shall go.

Lastly, I lost someone close to me this week and it’s hit me kinda hard, but again…you all are awesome, so thank you for all of your kind words. I’m feeling a lot better, and I think in my friend’s passing I’m reminded of how much we take for granted while we are here. None of us knows when our time has come, yet we act as though we have all the time in the world. Don’t waste the gift of life and the gift of good health. Whatever your goals, fitness or otherwise, please seek them.

I don’t know what my next race will be, but I think that my buddy Once and Future Runner will be joining me since he’s relocated to the area! There are so many fun runs in this area, I just don’t know which one to choose to run next! 🙂

Well, that’s all from me for now. Till next time,

Happy Running! 🙂

What Does a CurvyGirl Do On Vacation?

Well, THIS curvy girl has been doing a little bit of this…

revisiting some childhood memories!!!!


and a little bit of this…

red velvet cupcakes are my weakness!


Yea, it’s only day one of my vacation, but I would say I’m off to the expected start…something about going home, we have the BEST food here!!! But of course, everything needs to have a balance of some sort. In addition to chomping on some of my fave foods, I’ll be catching up with some of the ladies from the local Black Girls Run group to get a run in. In fact, I’ve got a run with them lined up tomorrow morning.

What I really love about this group, among many other things, is the fact that there are chapters just about everywhere. Which means that I could literally go to just about any metropolitan area and find a local group that I could run with while I’m away from my home group. That in and of itself is a comfort, because sometimes it can be a little intimidating to strike out on your own in new places to get a run in. But that group dynamic has something special…there really is comfort in numbers…and accountability too 🙂

So…for the next couple of days I’ll be getting some much needed rest, relaxation, and running done. Till next time! 🙂