She’s Back At It!!!

I’m so very glad that I’m back to running again. I knew I missed it, but I had no idea how MUCH I missed it. Sunday I went to the gym and got on the treadmill to go for a run. Now…you know how I feel about treadmill’s so imagine my surprise when that run turned out to be one of the best ones I’ve ever had! granted, it wasn’t the fastest…I didn’t bother to time it, but it felt GOOD! I did 4 miles, more than I intended to do that day, and went to lift weights afterwards.

Days later I’m still feeling the effects of that choice. I ran very hard Sunday, and ran hard on inclines at that. Then I did strength training for my entire body – including my legs. The next morning I felt that all too familiar soreness as my muscles reacted to my previous day’s workout. I soaked, I rested, and today I went back to the gym (it’s ENTIRELY too cold outside these days!) and ran. It wasn’t the BEST run…but it was a run nonetheless. I wasn’t focused, I was running late, and I only did 1 mile of the 3 I’d planned to run that day. BUT I was able to sneak in a really fulfilling yoga session, which allowed me to stretch some of the sore muscles.

Tomorrow will be a new day. The plan? To strength train. And not go crazy with it. I don’t PLAN on running, but I kinda want to get in the two miles I ‘missed’ today. I have to see how I feel about it though, since I don’t want to overdo it or anything. I hope to get back outside soon to run on the roads, but I will not lie to you…20 degree weather isn’t my cup of tea in the slightest. 😉

Till next time!

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